Softengi offers the entire software development life cycle, performing: evaluation of business goals & project expectations, requirements gathering & analysis, creation of a product’s prototype, developing code, testing, implementation of the solution, knowledge transfer and training, and tech support. We develop software based on programming languages like C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Objective C, Swift, and PowerShell.
Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD), Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Rational Unified Process (RUP), SCRUM
Operating Systems
Android OS, iPhone OS, Linux family (Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat …), Mac OS X/Mac OS, MS Server 2008/2003/2000/NT, MS Windows Mobile/Windows CE, MS Windows XP/Vista/Se7en, VMWare
JDBC, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, SAP DB, Teradata
Softengi offers software development services throughout full application development lifecycle, beginning from identification of business value and requirements gathering to system deployment, knowledge transfer and support services.
Having professional architects, developers, project managers and testers on board Softengi can engage at any stage, whether you only have an idea of your future product or already started development. Softengi has skills and experience of developing customized applications for different companies. We flexibly adjust our standard development process to seamlessly integrate with established customer’s processes.
Full software development lifecycle we follow at Softengi includes:
Identification of business value
Requirements gathering
Requirements elaboration
System design and technical architecture development
Whether you need just a couple developers with specific skills or a full scale team, you can request it from Softengi. Having access to corporate pool of resources we can select developers, architects, testers or project managers specifically for your needs and have them work under your leadership either in our office or in yours.
On the other hand, we can build a dedicated team for you according to your requirements, which after some time can be transferred to you and become your own.
With IT Outstaffing from Softengi you always have resources under your leadership as part of your team. If resources located in our office, we provide free of change supervisor for emergency contacts and escalated issues.
Rely on Softengi’s Expertise to make sure you stay on top of your competition. And together with our Partners we will make sure to have all your questions answered.
At your request our experts will:
Evaluate your current system and advise on possible improvements
Provide software architecture development, review and refactoring
Provide technical expertise of your solution
Advise on specific technology usage, share their knowledge and experience with your staff
Advise on software development methodology and tools
IT Consulting from Softengi is your opportunity to get professional help on specific problem, and to get answer on your questions from an experienced consultant. It could work different ways: as onetime help with a particular issue or as a separate consulting project or as part of one of our other services.
The main objective for the outsourcing of the support and maintenance processes is to reduce the costs spent on these ongoing activities. And doing this it is also important to remember about the efficiency and stability of the running software solutions. Softengi offers a long term beneficial IT outsourcing collaboration to support and maintain all IT units of your enterprise, from servers and DBMS to corporate website and enterprise management software.
In the most cases support and maintenance contracts are run under the collaboration model of Dedicated Teams. Softengi can suggest the adopted approaches so the customer can choose the most beneficial model.
The Reengineering and Migration are important permanent processes for organizations which are constantly upgrading themselves in the modern dynamic business. The strategic way is to build long term plan how to upgrade and grow the IT infrastructure. This plan should involve the projects for legacy systems reengineering and migration. Smart and predictable reengineering and migration processes support the growing needs of the organization, without hindering existing business processes.
The challenges
The critical need of the re-engineering or migration process appears when organization faces issues like:
Legacy System Management
Ensuring reliability and Quality Assurance
Maintaining business agility
The approach
The main objective of the migration and re-engineering services is to help customers to reduce costs of maintenance and upgrade of existing applications. There are several stages of the readiness to start the migration or re-engineering. Depending on the stage, where the customer is at the moment, Softengi can offer the following services:
Migration Assessment
Solution Porting
Solution Upgrade
Solution Re-Engineering for new/improved business functionality and operation
Our Engagement Models accommodate all features, necessary for successful collaboration:
Advanced collaboration
Communication risks
Project based
By the Project Based approach we mean outsourcing of the specific software development task, whether it is a new solution development, re-engineering or migration task, solution improvement or customization. The main distinctive feature of such type of outsourcing is that the cooperation (meaning contract) has all specifics of the IT project like uniqueness or predefined time frame or fixed budget. Project based approach usually implies fixed cost for the project and risks are mostly on the software vendor.
With 15 years of experience utilizing the project based type of cooperation, hundreds completed projects, both positive and negative experience, Softengi has pretty good understanding of what to do, what not to do and how to do it to make the project successful.
Dedicated teams and developments centers could be very efficient in certain conditions. There are different cases when such kind of cooperation model is reasonable. The main differentiation of this approach is that that the team usually follows client's practices, methodologies and culture. So, the customer can be sure that all activities inside the dedicated team are similar to ones he has on-site. The service provider is mostly focused on the processes of team building, team monitoring, managing customer's and employee's expectations, managing the personnel related risks. And in most cases the customer is managing the projects performed by the team using its own management staff.
This type of the model is usually used when the customer has the need to temporary extend the team with additional consultants or engineers. The reason is either to increase the productivity of the team or to involve the specialist with the specific skills to perform particular task. This model can also be used as the first step or feasibility study of the dedicated team establishment for the customer at the offshore location. Another case is when the customer has the constant flow of tasks which can't be planned in advance. Example of this is the third-level support of the IT solutions, when tasks are uprising from time to time and it is not reasonable to keep the team permanently.
Softengi has the pool of the consultants and engineers who can be involved in such kind of activities within the short period of time. Softengi is using efficient technologies to search, select and involve the specialists in the process. In addition to that, what is also important, Softengi doesn't just "bring" the resource to the customer and get profit from this. During the whole process Softengi is carefully supervising the activities of the staff to keep the customer safe and satisfied with the quality of the service. It includes not just reporting, but also risk management and prediction, additional QA services and assistance for the involved specialists when they need any kind of help in their work, all of this is not billable work but helps the specialists to be as efficient as possible.
SLA based model of the cooperation is usually used in the projects like support and maintenance or activities under the BPO agreements. The SLA implies usage of the model when Softengi provides services with clearly and strictly agreed constraints and requirements.
When we talk about SLA for IT services it usually includes the following activities:
See the most interesting project cases below and Contact Us for details.
ASP Project – Enviance, Inc. (.Net)
The task was to make system comprised of a number of software applications needed for end clients in ASP model. In addition to this project, some traditional client‐server applications needed to be analyzed, re‐engineered and deployed to ASP environment.
HedgeServ Co (Python)
Development of a software tool for predictive analysis and critical decision making support to improve investment portfolio management.
Ministry of Finance of Georgia ‐ Appeal Case Management System (ACMS)
Development and implementation of ACMS application for optimization of the process related to tax payers’ complaints and appeals. The objective was to prevent accumulation of large volumes of unaddressed or lost complaint trials.
Peterbilt 357/2007 edition
Develop high quality photo‐realistic interactive model of the Peterbilt 357/2007 cargo track.
JSC «BM Bank»
Implementation of Megapolis.DocNet Solution as a tool for managing document workflow and business processes automating.
OJSC Insurance Company “Universalna”
Implementation of Sirael Insurance System. Capability to manage insurance processes according to the type and capacity. Addition of insurance event registration, status of insurance case, manual follow-up of performance, registration of insurance payments, creation of payment documents in printable form.
RFID applications
Development of software for RFID equipment (in partnership with Volia Software). Cooperation with Radiant RFID started from development of system software, such as RFID reader status monitoring and tag polling software, which is typically used during events and conferences where up to 200+ devices are in simultaneous use to monitor event door traffic, provide attendees and session statistics to event organizers; and continued with development of applied software and participation of Softline specialists in events to observe and support new installations in live environment.
Swiss Financial Group CMS Platform Development
Develop easy configurable and maintainable (CMS like) platform; lightweight of the system; minimum time to market;close collaboration with customer's business analysts.
Application development and business processes optimization of operating activities of the bank (issuing of loans, processing of deposits, opening of current accounts, processing of credit cards, foreign exchange controls, etc.). Integration with automated banking system (SCROOGE-3),client-bank system (iBank2 UA) and local banking system.
Develop high-quality photo-realistic cluster based and laptop based interactive 3D model of interior of the Bombardier CH850 air jet.
IBSi, Ingersoll‐Rand (Java)
Development of an on‐line logistics management system, which process orders and inquiries from distributors to warehouses worldwide. Legacy: since 1980, OpenVMS/Cobol/Jam, not documented.
Porting current system developed with Microsoft Visual FoxPro technology to Microsoft .NET platform considering early defined extensibility requirements. Extend the system with new functionality on succeeding stages of the system development. (In partnership with Volia Software).
Telecom Billing C++ for UMC
Development of full‐time support for telecom billing for pre‐paid services (in partnership with Softline).
Syntex Management Systems (.Net)
Development of light weight application as a web‐interface to legacy enterprise application preserving compatibility and interoperability on data level (in partnership with Volia Software).
Synthetic finances (Yield enhancement)
Develop the product module in ever‐changing business environment in close collaboration with customer's head office development team under conditions of constant synchronizing and stabilizing the newly written code with trunk one, as well as iterative end‐user‐testing and changing business priorities.
Process Square GmbH, Germany
Development of Web 2.0 application for Business Process Modeling and Execution; Integration with CMS repository; integration with xForms engine; web services for integration with other systems; DAP+NTLM authentication ; Plugins for MS Outlook, Visio and Lotus Notes.
National Bank of Ukraine
New solutions for NBU to consolidate finances, provide proper controlling, establish assets management in SAP, Finance and controlling area (in partenrship with Softline).
Ukrainian Ministry of Defense
Increased Expenses for Ukrainian Army Initiatives indicated a need for a new Enterprise Resource Planning systems to completely reorganize existing business process thus converting UA into an efficient military unit. (In partnership with Softline.)
Fordon Ltd.
Optimization of warehouse operations; effectiveness of the stock facilities using; reducing of delivery terms; rapid response on the changing of conditions of deals; reduced operational costs and improved quality standards.
Associated AIR Boeing 757
Develop set of high-quality photo-realistic, high resolution images of new V.I.P. interior of Boeing 757 air jet. The images were used for printing.
Home Configurator 3D
Develop the pilot of online 3D home Configurator which should allow customers to furnish their future apartment with available furniture, change the colour of the walls and floor. Service should have intuitive interface, no specific knowledge required.
Generali Garant
The successful implementation of customized solution for settlement of insurance processes;insurance processes regulation accordingly to their type and capacity; user received the benefit to import the data using the mechanisms provided by the executer/system; adding insurance event registration, status of insurance case, manual follow-up of performance, registering of insurance payments, creating payment documents in printable form.
iPhone Applications
Our team participated in development map ad location based applications, VoIP applications, applications for sound processing, different tools, etc. See some examples here.